Thank You for your USE and SUPPORT of SkyHubLink!

We will be adding to this page as time goes on.  We appreciate all of you!

With much thanks to Dunnigan K1DUN, Becky KDØAOE, Mike KIØGO, and all the folks at the Rocky Mountain Radio League in their support of SkyHubLink.  The 449.450 repeater essentially was the first “SkyHubLink” linked repeater on the system.  The RMRL is the premiere radio club around the Denver area and a great place to put your amateur radio support.  See their website at and many thanks to their organization.

The Denver Radio League for the use of the 449.600 Wires-X Repeater and Tom KD4DT for all of his support and keeping this repeater on the air from Warren Mtn SW of the metro area.  Another great club to check into here in the area.

SkyHubLink is now a member of the CCARC Colorado Council of Amateur Radio clubs

CCARC is the umbrella coordination body made up of many clubs across the State of Colorado to oversee Amateur Frequency Coordination and policies for the State of Colorado.  See how you can become a member at: .  We are VERY GRATEFUL to John Maxwell WØVG, & Tracy Helmhold KIØHC for all the work they and others do for us here in Colorado!

The Denver Water Amateur Radio Club

Thank you to Robbie Jaramillo and the team at VistaBeam for the internet connection on Pilot Hill – Laramie/Cheyenne repeater, their tremendous support of SkyHubLink and amateur radio, and possibly more to come.  You can call them at 888-251-0920 for more information on their services.  See their website at


Vic Michaels RF TOWERS

A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU to Vic Michaels for allowing SkyHubLInk repeaters to be housed at his many fine sites around the coverage area.  Vic is also a ham radio operator, pilot, and he and his sons Adam and Kris are a great support to SkyHubLInk!  Thanks again sir!

Alex Arpin, Galvanized Endeavors

Alex, Daniel and the many fine tower guys (brave and strong! 🙂 ) have supported SkyHubLink with allowing us to be on their Baculite Mesa site and for many donations of hardware, and the Colorado Springs internet connection for the analog and Fusion Wires-X repeaters.  If you need a tower company for any and all possibilities, give our friends at GE a call!

Thanks so much to Steamboat Radio’s Don Tlapek for the internet connection to the YSF digital repeater on Storm Peak above the ski resort at the Steamboat Springs Vic Michaels transmitter site.  For a listing of the stations to listen to in the area see the Steamboat Radio webpage at

We want to thank Steve Leigh at KZYR Radio in Edwards/Avon for the Internet connection and housing the node radio for linking the 448.750 Vail Mountain repeater.  Steve graciously allows SkyHubLink access to his facilities, internet, and roof antenna space for the link radio antenna.  Check the webpage at for all the information on the radio stations in the Vail/Edwards/Avon valley when visiting in the mountains!

Thanks to Jessica and Bob and the IT folks at Colorado Mountain College in Leadville for the internet  connection and help in connecting the repeater there located on the campus.  The entire valley and surrounding mountains are now covered by this repeater to SkyHubLink.  See their website at:

Thanks also to Jim Carey for the use of the NEW PARKER WIRES-X repeater.

Richard Hanishewski VE5RH

Taylor Raine Communications

Sky’s Electronics

Kathleen Hickman WØKPH

Steve Combs KDØSBN

Mark Thomas NØXRX and the Denver Water Amateur Radio Club

Keri Varela N2KNK

Daniel Gattis KDØFDF

And all other system operators, site owners, NET CONTROLS, users and supporters of the Repeater Linking System