The Colorado based SkyHubLink Repeater Linking System, N2SKY, is an all-mode, worldwide capable link system providing a communication bridge between many amateur radio repeaters and networks. The overall purpose of the SkyHubLink System is to provide the following:
- To be a WELCOMING, OPEN, and FRIENDLY community to all operators, especially NEW HAMS!
- Enable anyone with any mode radio to essentially contact anyone with any mode radio anytime anywhere, and literally provide communications “back home” from anywhere in the WORLD!
- To provide little used repeaters with activity to let other hams know they are there and on the air.
- To interconnect different regions with each other for fun and possible emergency use when needed.
- To promote good amateur practice and friendship for all, this is an OPEN system.
- Remember, you’re on a linked repeater system! This means that:
- You can’t quick key or tailgate.
- You must key up… count to 2, then begin to talk.
- When you’re finished, please do a 2 count before you unkey.
- PLEASE DO NOT “Kerchunck” a SkyHubLink repeater to see if you are making it. PLEASE DO come on and ask for a radio check. Kerchunking repeaters can cause link issues.
- PLEASE leave 5 seconds or so between transmissions. This allows link/unlinking to work properly between all linked repeaters. If you do not do this, you may miss others trying to get into the system or join in your conversation.
- LONG RAGCHEWS are WELCOME ON SKYHUBLINK, BUT PLEASE REMEMBER while chatting you are on MANY MANY REPEATERS SIMULTANEOUSLY. PLEASE leave breaks between transmissions and every so often during your QSO to see if someone else may need one of the many repeaters on the system. Or maybe someone else may want to join in on your discussion.
The hub is completely free for anyone to operate with an amateur radio license, ALL ARE WELCOME! SHL supports emergency communications, recreational communications, and special events such as Edge of Space Sciences Balloon launches, communications for events, etc.
The system is centered in Denver, Colorado providing excellent state wide coverage through various repeaters in Colorado, but is not limited to Colorado. We have many other repeaters that are tied into the system via the various modes in various locations. Anyone or any system can link in from around the world. Please see the Repeaters page for all of the current permanent links, status updates on operational status of the repeaters, and the Connections page for link systems.
The project is carried out as a group effort between
- Skyler Fennell W0SKY – Chief Engineer
- Jack Roland KE0VH– Admin, Site Development, and PR, Hamshack Hotline #12113
- Jeremy Lincicome W0JRL, Systems Engineering
- Bill “Bucky” Buckwalter WØSUN – Fusion and Wires-X Engineering support
- Rocky Mountain Radio League – Providing use of analog and DMR repeaters
- Denver Water Amateur Radio Club – Providing use of the Wires-X repeaters
- The Denver Radio League
- Plus a LOT of volunteer people and other System Operators who link to SkyHubLink!
- VERY IMPORTANT INFORMATION! IF YOU HEAR anyone requiring emergency assistance on a SkyHubLink Repeater, remember you can dial your local 911 operator and report the request for emergency anywhere that person calling for help is located. Your local 911 operator can get help from an out of your area emergency service provider. So, in other words, if someone in Spokane WA calls out for emergency help and you hear it in Denver (or wherever) you can then call 911 and report the emergency. Then they will contact the appropriate agency in the appropriate area. PLEASE ALWAYS LISTEN FOR EMERGENCY CALLS ON THE SKYHUBLINK REPEATER LINKING SYSTEM!
Please take a look at the various pages on the website for a list of repeaters, coverage maps, use of hotspots, and connection modes. Any equipment, time, or monetary donation is greatly appreciated to keep the system running. Please head over to the Support page if you are interested.
If you would like to become a member of the SkyHubLink, N2SKY (free), or want to contact, one of us, please visit the Contact / Join page.
Skyler WØSKY, SHL Chief Engineer, programming node link radios at KEØVH
SkyHubLink provided the amateur radio communications for the 2023 “Courage Classic” Bicycle race thru the mountains around Vail/Leadville/Copper Mountain Colorado. Skyler WØSKY led the group of amateur volunteers and did all the primary equipment configurations and setup for this event. See this video for some amazing work, mountain views, and the adventure!
Watch the video from our recent Monday Night System Wide NET on how to use the website by going to this link: How do I use the Website. This YouTube Video file from the recent SkyHubLink Monday Night System Wide NET hosted by Jack KEØVH will describe the different webpages, how to use them for checking signals, how the system works as a whole, and more information that is very handy for amateurs using SkyHubLink repeaters.
See the latest happenings with SkyHubLink and other amateur activities by going to Jack’s “The KEØVH Hamshack” article by clicking HERE.
SkyHubLink repeater operational status of on air status can be seen on a daily updated basis by going to the “Repeaters page“.
You can monitor SkyHubLink over the internet via the Rocky Mountain Radio Leagues BROADCASTIFY LIVE STREAM. Click here to monitor :
IMPORTANT OPERATING PROTOCOLS & PROCEDURES. We ask that as you are using the system on one of the associated repeaters that due to digital linking, please leave a 5 second space between transmissions to allow someone on another mode or repeater to be able to break in. It also helps if you hold your PTT key for about a half second after you speak your last syllable, so that you won’t be “cut off” with your last word. Ask frequently if there is anyone else who would like to break in or join the conversation. Being too tight with the PTT can exclude someone trying to get in from another mode. Don’t be quick on the PTT trigger as it were or others may not be able to join in. While we definitely encourage longer fun rag chews on the system, but it is important to observe this operating practice to allow others to join in or in case of any urgent or emergency traffic from another mode. AND, if you have more than 2 people in a conversation it is really important to set up rotations of operators so that digital collisions and no one being heard won’t be a problem.
Regarding Wires-X operational repeaters:
IF you are a hotspot user, please see under the “Connections” tab above.
IF you want to operate one of our Wires-X repeater connections available on 449.625 Mt. Morrison, 449.600 Warren Mt. 447.950 Dillon, 447.900 Pueblo, 447.425 Colorado Springs, 447.650 Limon, 447.150 Hugo, 447.600 Firstview (analog Wires_X) and 447.800 Loveland Fusion or any other WIRES-X equipped repeaters, please before switching announce with your callsign and that you want to switch that particular repeater (by frequency is fine) to another Wires-X room. We ask that you don’t just do it cold without identifying. But otherwise feel free to operate the Wires-X system on these repeaters and HAVE FUN!
448.350 is NOT Wires-X switchable being locked to SkyHubLink permanently. Please don’t use Wires-X mode on your radio for this repeater as you don’t need to be in Wires-X mode but simply “DN”.
See the repeaters page and the connections page for more information on where repeaters are and modes available.
ALSO, it is very important that you do not “KERCHUNK” the repeaters on the system. This causes issues with the BRANDMEISTER DMR links and will lock out the DMR system which is bridged into the AllStar system. Please do a full call and ask for a radio check if you are testing or just simply want to check if you are “making the repeater”. The DMR and Fusion repeaters have virtually no squelch tail to hear. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
FOR THE USE OF HOTSPOTS and FREQUENCIES to use, see this website:
SEE the “Join/Contact” page to contact the SkyHubLink System Board Members for any inquiries or suggestions for the system you might like to make or let us know about.
Photo: Grand Mesa Sunset: Site Includes the N2KNK, 449.650 Grand Junction Repeater